Setting Ride Height on Airbag Suspensions

Setting Ride Height on Airbag Suspensions

8th May 2023

Airbag suspension systems have revolutionised the way trailers and caravans handle various terrains. However, to ensure your ride is smooth and comfortable it is essential to set the airbag ride height correctly. 

In this Cruisemasterclass, we will look at how to correctly set the airbag ride height on your caravan or trailer.

Cruisemasterclass Episode 3: Setting Ride Height with Cruisemaster Air

Importance of Ride Height

Ride height is the distance between the chassis of the vehicle and the ground, this is crucial to have right as it affects the compression and rebound travel of the suspension system. 

If the ride height is too high, the suspension will have limited compression travel, making it stiff and uncomfortable.

On the other hand, if the ride height is too low, the suspensions rebound travel will be constrained, causing it to bottom out on rough terrains.

Measuring the Ride Height

Correctly measuring the ride height of your airbag suspension system is important to ensure that it is performing optimally. There are different ways to measure ride height, depending on the type of airbag suspension system you have. 

Before measuring the ride height you need to ensure your caravan is secure and on level ground. Below we will go through measuring and setting ride heights on some of our most common Cruisemaster Airbag systems.

Cruisemaster XT Suspension Ride Height

If you have the XT suspension system, ride height is measured from bump stop clearance. This clearance is the distance between the bump stop at the back of the arm and the underside of the chassis rail. 

This distance should be between 65 to 85 millimeters, depending on the size of the airbag. Below is an illustration demonstrating where to take this measurement.

Ride Height Measurement of XT Freestyle Suspension

XT Freestyle Ride HeightsXT Freestyle Air Bag Suspension Ride Heights

Note: Make sure to refer to your owner's manual to ensure you get the exact measurement for your model.

Cruisemaster ATX Suspension Ride Height

For ATX suspension systems, you need to measure the distance between the top and bottom mounts on the rebound cable. This measurement should be around 360mm as outlined in the illustration below.

Ride Height Measurement Illustration for ATX Suspension

Setting Airbag Suspension Ride Height

Once you are able to correctly measure the ride height of your airbag suspension system, the next step is to set it to the correct height.

The target ride height will vary depending on the type and size of the suspension system you have, so make sure you have referred to the user manual. If you are using a Cruisemaster system the information can be found on our website under product downloads

If you have a manual air control system, you can adjust the pressure up or down until you have reached the specified ride height. While some automatic air control systems can adjust the pressure to the ride height that you specify. 

When you change the loading in your caravan, the ride height can be affected. This change in ride height is why you should not use air pressure as a baseline, always measure the ride height with a ruler or use visual indicators to ensure the height is accurate.

Ride Height Indicators

Ride height indicators are a visual indicator that is stuck on the inside of the wheel box that allow you to quickly confirm that the ride height is correct. 

In this Cruisemasterclass we have used one of the Cruisemaster Ride Height Indicators. The goal is to get the slot on the ride height indicator in line with the top of the tyre. 

Ride Height indicators for Air Ride Systems

To do this, you can use a spirit level or a digital level to mark a line on the chassis, then stick the ride height indicator on the wheel box using the 3M VHB tape. 

Alternatively you can use a rivet to fix the to the trailer; however, if you are using rivets make sure to check there is no wiring or other accessories behind the panel.

Operating at Non Standard Ride Heights

When the vehicle is stationary it is permissible to use air springs for levelling purposes. This should be done with the brakes off but the vehicle safely secured (eg: attached to the tow vehicle). 

If it is required to raise the vehicle above the normal ride position then driving speed must be limited to under 10kph to prevent damage. 

Ride Height Settings for Caravan or Trailer Storage

If you are storing your vehicle, ride heights can be set to below the standard ride heights to allow for improved access or clearance. 

Note: During long term storage it is normal for air pressure to drop in air bag suspension systems which can cause the suspension height to lower. 

For more caravan and towing tips, make sure to keep an eye out for the latest episodes of our Cruisemasterclass series by subscribing to the Cruisemaster YouTube channel and following us on Facebook & Instagram.

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